Wednesday, October 14, 2020

5 Necessary Changes Needed For Future Presidents

Although, President Trump's core supporters, are, perhaps, the foremost dedicated, supportive, committed ones, in recent memory, seeming to be willing to overlook, or not concentrate, to several of his actions, and activities, the bulk of USA citizens, consider him, unfavorably! His blend of way of talking/bitterness, evident inclinations/biases, accusing and grumbling (and abstaining from/declining to take/accept individual accountability), and what, many consider, a significant measure of maltreatment of intensity, appears to point, there's a prerequisite, to frame explicit changes, regarding the forces, and so on, of future Presidents, to ensure, a more - perfect union! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 specific, necessary changes, which are indicated, needed, and necessary, to ensure, we do not see this again.

5 Necessary Changes Needed For Future Presidents

1. Transparency: the precise rules, regarding the conduct, behavior, dealings, potential conflicts, etc, must be clearly, spelled - out, in an effort, to mandate far - greater, transparency, and protections, against future abuses by our Chief Executive. we've witnessed, little or no of this, in terms of Trump's personal finances (and potential, areas of concern), health, business involvements, and private behavior, and possible, criminality, etc!

2. Ethics: Ethics must be, far - more, than a philosophical concept, and, rather, a transparent - cut, set of principles, ideals, and beliefs, every President, must live, and perform, by! In recent memory, we've never observed, as many conflicts of interest, and ethical challenges, as we've, in our current one!

3. Appointments: Shouldn't the appointments, made by a President, got to be approved, supported their qualifications, lacks conflict, etc? When, former lobbyists, are appointed, to Cabinet positions, which are, in - conflict, with their previous choices, and preferences, shouldn't there be some mandated controls? we've never witnessed, like many, Acting Secretary's, as during this administration, and the way could that, possibly, benefit the state, society, etc? Don't we'd like, and deserve, the simplest and therefore the brightest, instead?

4. Balance of Powers: The Founding Fathers, felt, so strongly, there was a requirement, to ensure, an excessive amount of power, didn't fall under any individual's hands, they created, a Balance of Powers, between the chief, Legislative, and Judicial branches of our government! In any case, when the Judicial arrangements, have appeared, on a few events, to be, closer to political - hacks with a predominant political plan), than qualified, unprejudiced, reasonable members of the jury, this partition, is debilitated! When the chief uses Congressionally - approved, funds, in ways, aside from directed - for, etc, another level of protection, is diminished. When partisan politics, seems, so - often, to be the stress, instead of the greater good, our system of the state, is, in potential peril!

5. Service, to all: The President of us, rightly, or wrongly, is, often, looked - at, as an example, which many emulate, and follow! When, he selectively enforces laws, rules, and Constitutional guarantees, and polarizes, quite unifies, our concept of liberty, justice, freedom, and service/ representation, too - all, is harmed!

If we would like the past 4 years, to become, an aberration, instead of normal, and a prevailing future pattern, we'd like to make sure, changes are made, to guard against this undesirable scenario! Will you demand better, and more?

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