Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Hiroshima: Has the Humanity Learnt Anything?

Seventy-five years ago, precisely on Transfiguration, 1945, that first deadly and highly devastating uranium atom bomb referred to as the "Little Boy" was dropped by the Americans on the Japanese city of Hiroshima - a city of about 350,000. Then on the 9th, that's three days after, another atom bomb tagged "Fat Man" was unleashed on Nagasaki. These two blasts killed quite 300,000 people. Some died instantly while others were incapacitated from the radiation from the explosions. et al. survived but are yet to get over the physical and emotional trauma. because of the then us President Truman, who immediately stopped the bombings after seeing the devastation of the primary two otherwise Japan would are totally exhausted. And also the wise Japanese emperor who horridly, unconditionally surrendered. But did it stop at that? No. Though these actions effectively delivered to an end to the Second War, the Soviet's success in testing their own nuclear bomb in 1949 signaled the start of the harrowing, long conflict, and therefore the nuclear race. First, the Americans, then the Soviets, and now other nations have joined within the race to destruction by stockpiling these deadly weapons that threaten to wipe out mankind.

Hiroshima: Has the Humanity Learnt Anything?

But has the planet learned anything from these unfortunate events? No! What we still see today may be a world bent on destroying itself - from the ambition induced devastating world wars to nuclear race to biological and chemical weapons and therefore the soon (or already) 'weaponization' of the space. Some countries are already establishing Space Forces. You saw President Trump recently inaugurating us Space Force. And who knows exactly what a number of these countries freight to space hebdomadally within the name of classified space launches and shuttles? awaken for the space race has started in earnest. check out the big resources being wasted on the assembly of a number of these weapons of mass destruction - trillions of dollars. does one know what it costs to supply a hypersonic missile, intercontinental ballistic missiles, or a number of those stealth air, space, and watercraft - so, me capable of carrying multiple nuclear warheads and other hi-tech weapons? Imagine what positive effects these resources and efforts would have had if they were channeled to assist humanity. Unfortunately, even the countries battling their economies and development also are during this wasteful, expensive, and dangerous race. Recently, the American president announced that the country is already producing a missile which will be 15 times faster than the Russian and Chinese hypersonic weapons. a number of these can reach the farthest a part of the planet is but an hour. and that they are just those they need the general public to understand. Of course, there'll always be many classified weapons, inventions, crafts, and operations that these countries wouldn't let their competitors know of. in any case who knew that we were developing those nuclear weapons within the 40s? Now, though there are treaties and unwritten mutual respect among these nuclear powers and that they will likely not use these weapons unless their survival is threatened, but imagine a war between them or these materials going into the hands of any of those powerful terrorist groups. which will definitely be the start of the top of our world.

What is the planet doing about the build-up of tension and arms by China and America within the South China Sea, the India - China border conflict in Ladakh, and therefore the persistent tension within the Persian Gulf? Has it done enough to prevent the madness in Libya, in Somalia, in Mali, and therefore the confusion in North Eastern a part of "> a part of Nigeria where the terrorists have for quite 15 years occupied and unleashed hell thereto part of the country at the helpless watch of the country's government? Nigeria's security situation is one among the worst with the planet feigning unaware of it. Hundreds are killed and displaced in these places hebdomadally. that's exactly how the planet also gleefully watched and a few consciencelessly aided the killing and therefore the starving to death of quite 3 million children, women, and defenseless Biafrans of the Eastern Nigeria during the 1967 genocide - one among the worst in modern history. Unfortunately, even when it's said that the action against these Biafrans has ended, political, economic, and psychological war remains being waged against them till today. Sure, more people are killed or traumatized in these places than in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But these aren't the sole efforts by man to destroy his world. What of the largely ignored global climate change issue, the coronavirus pandemic, and therefore the unnecessary egoistic trade and diplomatic wars?

Today, the entire world has been delivered to its knees by the virus said to possess escaped from a Chinese lab in Wuhan. As I write COVID 19 has killed about 800,000 and infected quite 20 million. Economic and social activities are crippled for months globally by this man-made carelessness or wickedness. there's a complete global locked down. The economic and social disruption is monumental, unquantifiable, and unprecedented-with many jobs and businesses lost. it'll indeed take a few years for the planet to recover and even after recovering, our life, especially our socialization will never be an equivalent again. Now, with all the reasons, many still believe that this virus was a bioweapon that was carelessly or deliberately released from Wuhan. it's almost shocking that up till now nobody is taking responsibility or apologizing for unleashing this level of pain, sorrow, tears, loss, and death to the planet. It really seems like the long-predicted Armageddon is close to coming to the past, but we will quickly reign in these unnecessary actions, ambitions, and excesses to avert an imminent global annihilation and build a far better, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous world for all folks.

5 Necessary Changes Needed For Future Presidents

Although, President Trump's core supporters, are, perhaps, the foremost dedicated, supportive, committed ones, in recent memory, seeming to be willing to overlook, or not concentrate, to several of his actions, and activities, the bulk of USA citizens, consider him, unfavorably! His blend of way of talking/bitterness, evident inclinations/biases, accusing and grumbling (and abstaining from/declining to take/accept individual accountability), and what, many consider, a significant measure of maltreatment of intensity, appears to point, there's a prerequisite, to frame explicit changes, regarding the forces, and so on, of future Presidents, to ensure, a more - perfect union! thereupon in mind, this text will plan to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 specific, necessary changes, which are indicated, needed, and necessary, to ensure, we do not see this again.

5 Necessary Changes Needed For Future Presidents

1. Transparency: the precise rules, regarding the conduct, behavior, dealings, potential conflicts, etc, must be clearly, spelled - out, in an effort, to mandate far - greater, transparency, and protections, against future abuses by our Chief Executive. we've witnessed, little or no of this, in terms of Trump's personal finances (and potential, areas of concern), health, business involvements, and private behavior, and possible, criminality, etc!

2. Ethics: Ethics must be, far - more, than a philosophical concept, and, rather, a transparent - cut, set of principles, ideals, and beliefs, every President, must live, and perform, by! In recent memory, we've never observed, as many conflicts of interest, and ethical challenges, as we've, in our current one!

3. Appointments: Shouldn't the appointments, made by a President, got to be approved, supported their qualifications, lacks conflict, etc? When, former lobbyists, are appointed, to Cabinet positions, which are, in - conflict, with their previous choices, and preferences, shouldn't there be some mandated controls? we've never witnessed, like many, Acting Secretary's, as during this administration, and the way could that, possibly, benefit the state, society, etc? Don't we'd like, and deserve, the simplest and therefore the brightest, instead?

4. Balance of Powers: The Founding Fathers, felt, so strongly, there was a requirement, to ensure, an excessive amount of power, didn't fall under any individual's hands, they created, a Balance of Powers, between the chief, Legislative, and Judicial branches of our government! In any case, when the Judicial arrangements, have appeared, on a few events, to be, closer to political - hacks with a predominant political plan), than qualified, unprejudiced, reasonable members of the jury, this partition, is debilitated! When the chief uses Congressionally - approved, funds, in ways, aside from directed - for, etc, another level of protection, is diminished. When partisan politics, seems, so - often, to be the stress, instead of the greater good, our system of the state, is, in potential peril!

5. Service, to all: The President of us, rightly, or wrongly, is, often, looked - at, as an example, which many emulate, and follow! When, he selectively enforces laws, rules, and Constitutional guarantees, and polarizes, quite unifies, our concept of liberty, justice, freedom, and service/ representation, too - all, is harmed!

If we would like the past 4 years, to become, an aberration, instead of normal, and a prevailing future pattern, we'd like to make sure, changes are made, to guard against this undesirable scenario! Will you demand better, and more?

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Is Covid-19 A Retribution From On High?

 For believers during a 'Higher Power' of whatever hue, there must be times when one wonders if that celestial body ever loses patience with what goes on below.

Is Covid-19 A Retribution From On High?

Simply envision that said substance, in the wake of making an otherworldly blessing simply like the planet Earth, scoffing at the simple sight of the exacted demolition made by the cutting edge human rulers.

So picture if you'll, the world designed to be the epitome of perfection, with deep blue oceans, crammed with cleansing marine life, corals, and fauna.

The lavish green fields and backwoods, and authentic play area for creatures of every sort to skip around and duplicate in. Also, a sky affectionately painted in an interminable pastel of blue. The Sun has positioned to cascade the planet with daytime light. Its health-giving rays a source of energy, vitamins, and radiation to market the essential growth of Earth's flowers.

Then to supply a twist of gaiety, brightly colored birds added to soar free upon the thermals singing and chirping their own sweet song.

Creepy crawlies of every kind, likewise taking their pleasure by cleaning and trimming the land, while utilized by 'The unstoppable force of life' as her little mailmen of dust to treat the enthusiastically anticipating blossoms.

Finally, the planet came man and woman in human form. By reason, they were first made humble, presented as only another species on this immense sphere of heaven.

But humans had not been created as equals, faraway from it. They were enhanced in their powers, by featuring highly dexterous hands and a strong brain, capable of ever wider thought and development. The human, by design, was destined to evolve, blossom, and ultimately achieve mastery over the earth.

Indeed blossom they did over countless centuries. Through trial and error and with the utilization of ingenuity, human's conquered the humanities of cultivation, husbandry, and propagation. This set them aside from other species, now they might not only create food but store it for when needed.

In this manner, people could focus their ground-breaking minds on an ever-more extensive scale. However, after some time, the human push for world improvement started to lose its direction. Progress got bent into the quest for bogus divine beings called cash and force.

The simple basics of life as initially created for beauty, necessity, or utility, were becoming abused within the pursuit of profit. truth purpose of evolution becoming corrupted by neglect, or as a mere fatal accident to man's short-term objectives.

So by now, the believers within the 'Heavenly Body', shouldn't be criticized for wondering if a number of the world's disasters of nature, weren't in some form an early warning of displeasure as afflicted from on high?

The words: "Try not to search after the best excessively far people!" Coming to mind.

But such actions within the past were predominantly a regional issue, whereas now the life-threatening pollution and abuse circumvent the planet. These unique blue seas are currently flooded with garbage. the lavish green fields and woods ravaged for minerals, or stripped bare to return ever-greater profits for 'The Man'.

Initially, human pioneers were men of vision who sustained the land while expressing gratitude toward it for its gifts. Such men of astuteness have now unfortunately gone, and in their place sit shut disapproved of men of money, anxious for influence, and guided into riches.

Some notably worthless caretakers, through lack of intellect, or just barren of interest, actually lay sermons to the sweetness of power and wealth. With heads held high and puffed out chests, they espouse how the last word value of the planet is calculated within the monetary depiction of an extended line of zero's on a display screen.

So with all things considered, who would blame the 'Higher Power' looking down on such worthless views to require some action? How can such men of power, deaf, dumb, and blind to reason, be made to ascertain that they're dragging the planet down the incorrect path?

Subtle warnings of the past have come and gone without effect, Mother Nature has displayed her power in many sorts of recent years, but no change of direction appears forthcoming.

Has the opportunity, in the long run,

 come when a 'Last Warning' from a place of incredible authority is normal? 

I without a doubt can nearly hear the words from the sky...

"Send within the Covid-19!"

Why Your Mindset Is Significant During An Epidemic

No one will dispute that we are undergoing challenging times immediately as a result of COVID-19 a.k.a. the Coronavirus. Most folks are affected by varying degrees of hardship. What differentiates how well you adapt has less to try to to with the severity of the hardship you're under, and more to try to together with your outlook or mindset about it.

Why Your Mindset Is Significant During An Epidemic

In its simplest form, this breaks right down to two of my most ordinarily uttered truths: 1) That life consists of 10% what happens and 90% on how you react thereto. 2) to be as happy and productive as possible, it's vital that you simply find out how to regulate what's under your control and abandoning everything else.

Let's start with the primary one. I'm hearing tons of individuals complaining about what proportion of money they need to be lost in their 401K's or IRA (Individual Retirement Account) over the past month approximately. While I even have no reason to doubt that the worth of those has dropped significantly, I do contest the very fact that they need to lose anything at now. It's their mindset about the declining value that's causing all of them of their anguish, not the loss in value that went on.

Mine has dropped significantly also over an equivalent time-frame and that I am not bothered by this in the least. the sole difference is our mindsets about it. it's an incontrovertible fact that the worth of most of those accounts has dropped significantly, but how does stressing over it make it better? within the crudest terms, by worrying about it and fretting over it now, you're simply giving yourself two problems for the worth of 1.

Now I'll share my mindset about the autumn in value and you'll decide which mindset is healthier. once you put money into a 401K or IRA (except in certain extreme circumstances) you can't take any money out of them without a penalty until you're 59 and ½ years old and aren't required to require any money out of them until you reach the age of 70 and ½. I couldn't have withdrawn any money (without penalty) before the market fall and most of the people I affect are farther faraway from having the ability to withdraw from their accounts than I'm.

Markets tend to be above they're on a given day ten years then day historically speaking. So, if you're 49 and 1/2 years old or younger or don't get to tap those funds for ten years anyway, there is a good probability that it'll be worth more (and possibly considerably more) at that point than it had been before the markets started falling. Thus, all that worrying did was lower your immunity (during a time once you want it as strong as possible) and cause you to feel bad and/or fearful.

Another example would be people that have lost their job and are worrying about how they're getting to pay their bills etc. Although these concerns are far more immediate, the way you view them will still have the most important effect on your mood and skill to adapt.

I know of no instance where a negative outlook, crammed with bemoaning or worrying about your predicament led to raised circumstances for them. the away more productive approach would be to simply accept that you simply are where you're then putting all of your energy into finding solutions or things that will alleviate your problems.

Now for the other, I discussed above. to be as happy and productive as possible, it's vital that you simply find out how to regulate what's under your control and abandoning everything else. Most of what's happening are beyond our control, like once we can return to figure, or resume our normal lifestyles or get a vaccine, etc. There are still many things we will control and I'd recommend starting with how you view things.

If you're glued to the news or social media, the likelihood is that you're getting to be crammed with worries. I'm confident nothing of monumental importance goes to happen without it reaching me promptly. I fail to ascertain how staying on top of the news goes to form me any safer, happier, or more productive. As a result, I limit my viewing to a few cursory check-ins each day and set about making the simplest of the items I do still have available.

If you've got an excessive amount of time on your hands and are feeling bored add more structure to your day. Take up a replacement hobby, learn something new or do something you've got been adjourning until you had longer. the chances are endless and taking advantage of them will cause you to feel tons better than feeding your fears on social media and obsessing over the news.

As Disraeli said: "Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power."

Generosity Demonstrates Love

To have quite enough then a heart to require to share some of your fortunes with total strangers is an example of affection. With this being an election year, there always seems to vary headlines emerging daily. Businessman and billionaire Michael Bloomberg announced he would raise funds to assist convicted felons to pay their fines so he or she would be ready to choose this year's election. I'm certain there are quite enough people who have deep pockets and that they may have generous hearts also, to offer a number of their wealth to their favorite charities for various causes.
Generosity Demonstrates Love
The generosity of other wealthy Americans has come on board to contribute to the present cause. Billionaire former NBA great Michael Jordan and current NBA super-star Le-Bron James has also decided to share a number of their wealth; alongside vocalist-musician and entertainer John Legend to call a couple of. This is a token of putting your money where your mouth is. Without a doubt, these millionaires and billionaires' have quite enough to spare, but what's so awesome is their concern to permit others to possess a fresh new start and to be ready to do something that a lot of people don't do with no prior criminal history. the necessity to take a position in people is more important than investing or spend money on most material things that depreciate. There are some ways to demonstrate love, we like to watch sports and entertainment, hear music, make music, write books, what others do for us, a number of us love our jobs. But, the best demonstration of affection is when God loved us and let His only son die on the cross, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8. There is no greater or better display of affection shown than this. Jesus invested his life in people and brought out the simplest in them. We need to do an equivalent and make the required sacrifices when the opportunities arise to try to good for others. For those folks who don't have millions including billions in fortunes to offer financially, we will still give of our resources with our time and skills and let our voices be heard through voicing our opinions and concerns by participating during this year's election and thereafter. Generosity is shown once we take an interest in the well-being of others and unselfishly share our resources to form a difference for those that may have assistance. We are to like ourselves and each other to form the planet a far better place, this is often what's required folks. Love is demonstrated by our actions!

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